After 16 years of guiding couples….. is this
Embrace this, on your wedding day
you are ‘Guests of Honour’ .. not the ‘Hosts’.
Before your wedding day you should feel confident to allow the professionals, who’ve worked closely with you to absolutely take it from here… and breathe
At this point, you know you have your dream team working for you, so, feel excited knowing everything is going to be handled beautifully.
AND get ready to experience the wonder of what you’ve planned.
For your trusted HOSTS, this celebration is as important to them as it is to you.
HOSTING YOUR CEREMONY – is your Celebrant !
Your celebrant not only creates the content and memories for your ceremony and legally marries you, they also act as the HOST for the first part of your wedding day celebrations and every word spoken, every interaction is a memory made.
** As host, I’m coordinating with planners, photographers, videographers and ensuring that every single tiny detail is exactly how you planned, before even the first guest arrives.
I’m welcoming your guests, creating warmth and ambience, making sure your special guests are looked after, seated and feeling excited.
Your guests will know immediately they are in good hands.
As we await the arrival of the wedding party, nerves are calmly and warmly dealt with.. You, the couple will feel confident that you’re in professional hands, able to relax through your ceremony and enjoy every minute.
You will know that all of your wishes and plans have been carefully brought to life by your reception DREAM TEAM, MC and planner who have been working tirelessly so everything is in place to HOST your perfect celebrations.
As guests of honour, you will be swept along, with detailed plans being followed so that your celebrations are seamless, relaxed, fun and absolute perfection.
So, if nothing else, please keep this in mind. Relax and allow yourselves to be guests of honour, glide through the day knowing that the professionals you’ve appointed have everything under control and that all of the planning and hard work you’ve put into the planning is now the responsibility of your HOSTS
Your only instruction from here is ENJOY every minute. xx
Would love your thoughts on this 🙂 xx
Love Suzanne xx